
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Recipe of the Day - March 3

Hello, Tuesday!

Recipe of the evening goes to something that I absolutely love and couldn't live without.. Shakeology! 

I have been using Shakeology for a little over a year now and it has taken me places I couldn't imagine. I struggled with stomach issues for about 2 years before starting Shakeology and Beachbody programs. I had gained the "Freshman 15", and I was unhappy with everything about my body. Today, I am down THREE pounds! That's right, only 3 pounds.... But it is a world of difference. 2 years ago I would have starved myself after looking at the scale. 2 years ago I would have starved myself then eaten more because I felt bad for myself and what was one more burger or Bagel Bite going to do anyways?

Today, I can say I have only lost three pounds BUT with the help of Shakeology, I have 0 stomach issues. I have a body i that I can look at in the mirror and smile about. And I have a body that someday someone else will love just as much as I do. No, I'm not where I want to be but that is all a part of my journey. My lifelong mental and physical journey of enjoying life and taking it one step at a time. It's not a race, it's an adventure so live it up! 

So my point to you, whoever you may be, is stop worrying about the number on the scale and worry about who you see in the mirror. Worry about putting a smile on your face and switching up your foods so they are more nutritious and healthy. Go on a walk or run to somewhere you have never been. Just do small things and somehow, some way, those numbers will start dropping little by little and you won't even care because you know what you are doing to your body will mean more than a number. 

Enough with the sappy stuff, let's get to the food! (Or Shakeology) hehe!


🍓 one serving or scoop of Strawberry Shakeology
🍓 1/2 C Unsweetened Almond Milk
🍓 1/4 C water
🍓 4 large strawberries

Boom! Put it all in a blender. Press blend. Press stop. Pour into cup. ENJOY!! ;)

Love always, 
Lauren Michelle <3

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