
Friday, December 19, 2014

Clean Eating Low-Carb Eggnog

Going low carb right before the holidays can be a brilliant plan for avoiding holiday weight gain. It can also be an overwhelming challenge because you still want to enjoy all your holiday favorites with family and friends. In fact, I'm still not sure if going this route at this time of year is a sign or pure genius, or pure insanity!

Christmas is a huge holiday at my great-grandma's house and usually comes with a buffet of delicious, not-so-clean foods that could tempt anyone and everyone! So what is one supposed to do?! Start converting recipes like a madwoman, that's what! And I'm starting with the eggnog.


  • 1 large egg
  • 1 tsp. pure liquid stevia, or more to taste after cooking if needed
  • 1 tsp teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/8 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg (more to taste after cooking)
  • 1 cups unsweetened almond milk (homemade is best)


  1. Blend all ingredients in a blender for about 1 minute.
  2. Pour into a medium pot.
  3. Warm over medium heat. The moment it becomes warm, reduce to the lowest heat setting. If you have a simmer burner on your stove, all the better.
  4. Using a wooden spoon, stir gently, slowly and continuously for 8-10 minutes.
  5. CRITICAL: Do not let this boil! You want it hot, but not boiling or even simmering. The very second this boils, you will have scrambled eggs instead of eggnog. It’s sensitive stuff, so give it your full attention
  6. Allow to cool slightly and serve sprinkled with fresh cinnamon
Number of servings (yield): 1

Merry Christmas week!

Grinch Kabobs

It's Christmas WEEK!!!!!

And what better way to celebrate and start the cooking and prepping than with a Christmas treat, it's quick and easy to put together for a quick party that you weren't planning on attending or if you are just in a hurry to meet the family!

These are the easiest thing ever!


  • Green Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • Bananas
  • Mini Marshmallows
  • Toothpicks

  1. Slice bananas.
  2. Cut stem end off of strawberries
  3. Place kabobs on toothpicks with grape the banana slice, the strawberry, them marshmallow on end,
  4. Then ENJOY :)

Merry Christmas!

Almond Crusted Chicken Tenders

This is one of my favorite recipes! The crunch is just perfect and no frying in necessary. You can serve as a main dish or slice the strips in to smaller chunks to throw on top of a salad. I also use this some recipe with turkey strips and for making homemade chicken/turkey nuggets. 

  • 1 cup of unsalted raw almonds
  • 1 chicken breast
  • extra virgin olive oil
  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees/
  2. Prepare your almonds into almond meal. All you need to do this is a food processor!
Give it a whirl and about a minute later... You have almond meal!

3. Now place on a plate or bowl (you won't use it all, I love to make extra and store it in the cabinet for later :)  )

4. Slice your chicken into tenders

5. Now spray each with a little olive oil spray; dip each one into the almost meal and then lay out on a pan

6. Place in the over for 25 minutes or until brown on top
7. Plate them up! Add a healthy side of greans and there is your meal for one :)

Have a happy holiday week and enjoy this simple and easy meal :)

Garlic Parmesan Yellow Squash Chips

Serves 6-8
What you'll need:
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp oregano, dried
4 yellow squash, small to medium
salt and fresh ground pepper
cooking spray 
3 tbsp olive oil
1 cup panko crumbs
1 cup parmesan cheese
cooking spray 

  1. Preheat oven to 450.
  2. Line 3 baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside.
  3. In a large mixing bowl, combine squash, olive oil, salt and pepper; mix until well combined.
  4. In a separate bowl, combine panko crumbs, Parmesan cheese, oregano, and garlic powder.
  5. Dip slices of squash in cheese mixture and coat on both sides, pressing on the coating to stick.
  6. Place the squash in a single layer on the previously prepared baking sheet.
  7. Lightly spray each slice with cooking spray. This will help with achieving a crunchier texture.
  8. Bake for 10 minutes; rotate pan and continue to bake for 8 to 10 minutes, or until chips are golden brown.
  9. Remove from oven and serve with a dollop of Non-Fat Plain Yogurt.


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Daphne's Energy Boosting Morning Workout and Recipe

Daphne's dad, Dr. Oz, taught her to start the day with a heart-pumping 10-minute workout.Here's what she does every morning to get going.

1 minute:
     -- Jump Rope (with or without a rope, fake it!)

2 minutes:
    -- 10 push-ups and 15 sit-ups

3 minutes:
     -- Sun salutations

1 minute:
     -- Jump Rope

2 minutes:
     -- 15 deep lunges with left leg, 15 with the right one!

1 minute:
     -- Meditate, lying on the floor, with eyes closed


Snack Smarter

As a mom, Daphne relies on easy, healthy snacks that can be eaten with one hand, Her top picks pack protein, complex carbs, and a little fat to keep you full:

  • PB&J Smoothie
Named after her daughter's initials):
Put 1 cup blueberries and strawberries, 1/2 banana, 1 tablespoon almond or peanut butter, 1 cup plain Greek yogurt and a little water in a blender. Add 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed or chia seeds if deisred. Blend and enjoy!

  • Herb popcorn
Pop 3 ounces kernels. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons dried herbs, such as dill, parsley, thyme or oregano. Drizzle with 4 tablespoons virgin coconut oil. Mix and enjoy!

  • Feta, tomato and chopped cucumber with a little olive oil and jalapeno on a Wasa cracker or a brown-rice cake "So simple and so delicious!"
  • Fruit and Nuts: "I try to have raw almonds, one or two dates, and baby carrots on hand. And an apple goes a long way."

Hope this helps,

Indulge Without the Bulge: Eat Delicious and Nutritious

Don’t you wish you could dig into your favorite party and holiday foods over the next month and not see the slightest increase in the number on the scale? You can; you just need to know a few secrets and smart strategies. Here’s how to treat yourself to delectable hors d’oeuvres, fancy dinners out and sweet treats and still ring in the New Year at the same size you are today.

Give yourself some wiggle room.
>Breaking up with a food you love is a recipe for disaster. “Don’t deny yourself certain things, like cupcakes or French fries; just limit the amounts,” says Robert Duyff. “Those foods often become more and more desirable the longer you don’t eat them, meaning you’ll probably end up bingeing.”
                While you know when you’ve gone overboard (ending up wrist-deep in a tub of mocha-chip, say), it’s tough to figure out what constitutes an acceptable amount of something that’s not so healthy. Now there’s an answer: In a paper published in the journal Nutrition Today, Duyff and a team of nutritionists say it’s OK to eat between 50 and 100 calories of indulgent foods a day. “As long as you stay within your daily calorie limit and eat an overall healthy diet, then allowing yourself a small portion of something sweet or higher in fat won’t harm your waistline,” Duyff says. If you don’t trust yourself to keep the treat small – think a fun-size candy bar or a handful of cheese crackers – go without for a few days, bank those calories, then enjoy something more substantial later, like a piece of pumpkin pie.

Be a smooth operator.
>The texture of the foods you eat can be the key to keeping your portions in check. It turns out that if you’re trying to be healthy, you’ll down a lot more of a treat if it’s crunchy as opposed to creamy. The reasoning goes something like this: People assume that crunchy foods have fewer calories than softer ones, so they eat more of them, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research.
 “Through a lifetime of eating, we’ve taught out brains that smooth foods, like butter, ice cream and cheese, are higher in calories than crunchy foods, such as celery, carrots and whole-grain cereal,” says study coauthor Dipayan Biswas, Ph. D. So we’ll chomp away on potato chips but eat only a small serving of mashed potatoes. Use this belief to your benefit by, say, picking a fudgy brownie from the center of the pan versus a crispy one on the end. If you’re really jonesing for something crunchy, save it for your’re browsing Pinterest or in the middle of the Good Wife marathon; Biswas says that you’ll mindlessly munch less on crispy snacks than creamy ones because they take more effort to chew, forcing you to slow down.

Splurge on your entrée.
The next time you’re at a restaurant perusing the menu, keep this in mind: The pricier dishes could pay big dividends for your health. A new study from Cornell University’s Food and Brand Lab found that people who spent a little more for an all-you-can-eat buffet felt happier with the experience than those who spent less. “Eating stimulates dopamine and serotonin, two neurochemicals that induce satisfaction,” says Dana James, a nutritionist and the founder of Food Coach NYC. “If you perceive food to be of higher quality because of cost, your brain will produce even more of those neurochemicals, meaning that you’re less likely to crave anything else.”

Face facts.
It’s natural to try to pretend that a treat is healthier than it really is (triple-cream Brie is OK because it’s packed with protein), but truly embracing how decadent it is can actually help you burn more calories, their metabolism sped up and worked faster to process the treat. People who drank the same milk shake thinking that is was low-calorie didn’t experience the same metabolism boost.
                “The high-calorie milk shake group had a huge drop in their level of ghrelin, a hormone that signals your brain to eat, and as a result, their metabolism sped up,” explains lead study author Alia Crum, Ph.D. “Those who believed they had the light milk shake didn’t see nearly as big a drop in ghrelin, so their brains sent out signals to eat more food and slow down their metabolism.” The secret, then, to keeping your system revved when you eat something luscious is to change your mind-set about it. “if you think you’re indulging, your body will react accordingly,” Crum says. “So focus on how sinful something tastes instead of rushing through it.”

Let loose on the weekends.
>On a typical Wednesday night, you sit down to a dinner or rotisserie chicken with roasted veggies, but come the weekend, you’re all about a burger with fries and a glass of wine. The good news is that’s perfectly OK. As long as you snap back to your normal eating pattern during the week, it doesn't matter much that you splurge on the weekends. A Finnish study found that most people’s weight naturally fluctuates throughout the week, rising over the weekend, peaking on Sunday or Monday and dropping throughout the week until it hits its lowest point on Friday. “Usually when people want to lose weight, they think they have to stick to a strict diet all the time,” study coauthor Anna-Leena Orsama says. “But it’s healthy to have slight increases in weight over the weekends as long as you also have days during the week when you eat fewer calories than you burn to make up for it.”

Skip the skim.
>A life full of cappuccinos, cheese, butter and ice cream sounds like a path to pudginess, but a recent analysis of 16 studies linked eating more full-fat dairy, rather than less, to a lower risk of obesity, “While dietary guidelines say to skip drinking full-fat milk and to avoid using butter, we believed there was a discrepancy between those guidelines and what research actually shows,” says Mario Kratz, Ph.D., an associate member at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. “And sure enough, we found that people who consume the most full-fat dairy products have the lowest obesity risk.”
                The researchers don’t know why; Kratz says that eating full-fat dairy may be more satisfying, so you need less of it. Or it  could be that they fatty acids in dairy affect your metabolism  in a way that prevents weight gain. The bottom line: “There is little evidence to suggest that you benefit from choosing nonfat or low-dairy products,” Kratz says. “Opt for full-fat.” Just watch your portion sizes. A serving of chocolate chunk ice cream is fine. The whole pint? Not so much :)

Save the evidence.
>Hang onto your plate at cocktail parties. A Cornell University study shows that if you can see clues about what you’ve eaten – pistachio shells, chicken bones, chocolate wrappers – you’ll consume 27 percent less than you would if you were to toss them right away. “It comes down to the simple concept of ‘out of sight, out of mind,’” says study coauthor Collin Payne, Ph.D. When you’re chatting with friends and walking around and meeting new people at a party, you’re distracted and paying no attention to how much you’ve eaten. You need visual cues to tell you when to stop. If there aren’t any skewers or toothpicks on your plate, Payne explains, it’s tougher to decide to call it quits. As a result, you could easily down hundreds of extra calories without realizing it. Another possible reason holding onto your scraps could help you rein in your appetite; simple embarrassment. Nobody wants to be that person squeezing yet more food onto a plateful of leftovers.


Friday, December 12, 2014

ADHD can be outgrown. I am proof.

Here's my story...

Growing up in grade school was the best time of my life. I was in gymnastics and soccer and had an older brother to always pick on at his most inconvenient times. My favorite thing to do was go with my dad every night to my Mamaw and Papaw’s farm to feed the cows (I normally ended riding on the back of mine. Her name was Boots.) I would go feed the chickens with Papaw and make the BEST sugar cookies with Mamaw standing on a chair right over the kitchen countertop. It was all a part of “the life” and I loved every minute of it but for some reason interacting with anyone else besides family was always a challenge for me. When I was about ten or eleven, I began riding horses and taking lessons. My life was made. I would have lived in the barn if Mom would have let me.

I began middle school and that’s when everything began going downhill. I was chubby, called fat at times, and I was bullied by pretty much everyone I ran into contact with. I was the vulnerable one. I was the socially awkward one. I was the one that everyone bonded around because they knew they could all make fun of me and I wouldn’t stand up for myself. At one point, I got milk dumped on my head during lunch and then a tray spilled on me a few minutes later. I had one best friend, Kayla, and that was the only person I really talked to. Being a teacher’s daughter, I thought that was the reason I was getting picked on. Then I realized that the girl I grew up with because our moms taught together was popular and things weren’t making sense. This really started my downhill spiral. I wasn’t happy and now my home life wasn’t looking so grand either. My brother was moving away for college and my parents were on the edge of a divorce. For the next four years of middle school I dreaded going. I dreaded a place where I was made fun of and hated on a daily basis.

Starting high school, I even switched counties and schools so that I didn’t have to deal with those bullies any more. I had resorted to food for comfort and I was overly cheerful in trying to make friends at my new school. I started in band the summer before freshman year and I could already tell people were annoyed with me. Was it my clothes? My hair? My attitude? I later found out it was because I was different. I didn’t act like the rest of the kids and I slowly started to realize why.
When I was in third grade, I was diagnosed with attention deficit and hyperactive disorder. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood. Symptoms include difficulty staying focused and paying attention, difficulty controlling behavior, and hyperactivity (over-activity). I was not like the other kids. I got low grades in conduct on my report cards and in high school I was always the “annoying” one. I was socially awkward and I tried to over-compensate. I didn’t have a lot of friends and the ones I did have weren’t that close. I was medicated all through school and I just thought this was normal. I had never educated myself on it and I had no idea really what it was about. Along with all of this, I was in the middle of my parents divorcing my junior year and also dealing with what college or university I was going to attend in just a few years.

<<<(My brother's wedding my sophomore year of high school -- Left to right: Me, my brother, Mom, Dad)

All of these crazy things led me to one comfort… FOOD.

I was always a child that grew up on McDonald’s chicken nuggets and hash browns if we got there before 10:30 am. I grew up in a small town with comfort food as the back bone. I lived off of pepperoni rolls and bagel bites. With everyone in the house always running and on the go, there was hardly any time for a sit down meal at the table. This, along with the stresses of school, took a toll on my body and my mental strength. I was always in sports so I really think that is what kept my weight to a minimum compared to the nasty food I consumed. I hated my body and everything around me was crashing down. I had nowhere to hide besides behind the food.

<<<<(My senior prom)>>>>
<<<(Senior Prom -- My brother being himself)>>>

On to the bigger things, success used to mean a really nice car, a fancy house, and a huge office to call my own. I have always wanted to work in healthcare but had changed careers quite a few times before deciding I really want to work with children. I found myself at home when talking to them and really listening to their stories. I was once that kid that just didn’t feel like they fit in or was on medicine for a condition that they had no idea what it involved. I just wanted to help in any way that I could. I never let my dreams weigh me down and I think that has been my saving grace through life thus far.

<<<(Graduation 2011 -- pictured with
my all time best friend)>>>

Looking at my dreams and goals in life, I started to become dissatisfied with the person I was becoming. I was in a relationship the first two years of college and that was my all-time low breaking point. I hated everything about myself, I had gained over 20 pounds and I looked in the mirror and saw nothing of who I wanted to be. That relationship ended in a very bad six months of on-again, off-again and at this point I had no idea where to begin to pick up the pieces. I had lost all my friends. I now didn’t have a church to go to that I felt comfortable because of him. I had lost the best in-laws I had ever known and also the best little brothers that I could ever dream of. I sat at home and cried for hours because I was nothing of who I dreamed I would be. I had no goals, I had to change majors in school, and I had no anticipation of things getting any better. This is when I realized I needed to do something for myself. I have always been a person to give before taking and loving way too much without fear of the future. I needed to take a look at my own life and really analyze what I wanted to do with it. I was 20 years old and going nowhere.

This is when I was introduced to Beachbody through a close friend. She had been asking me to do these programs with her for over a year and finally gave in after gaining these pounds and really being a product of the “Freshman Fifteen.” Through Beachbody, I can honestly say I have found myself. Everything I have ever wanted, I have set goals and deadlines to achieve them. I have a dream board and a wish list of future endeavors. With a lot of support and even more motivation, I started to see me again. I started to understand that all the bullies and judgmental people that I had ran into for the past 15 years were WRONG. They didn’t know me and they sure as heck didn’t have the right to judge me on things they thought I should do. I was finally my own person and willing to be proud of that. I love who I have become and I would not be where I am today without my coach and the other coaches above and beside me.

I have now been off my ADHD medication for over 2 years and have learned to control myself in every aspect of my life. I refuse to depend on something that will not hold me back from truly being myself and I know that I can do anything I want to without the help of medicine. I whole-heartedly believe that there is a cure for ADHD and that is truly the simplest thing of all… determination and will-power to succeed. Through finding out about how to handle myself and my life, I have been able to create my own medicine and self-discipline. I have taught myself how to focus and how to get one thing accomplished at a time. Doing all of this, I have a much more clear understanding of the struggles of others just like me that think there is no cure or no answer to their problems.

My success with my diagnosis has not stopped there. I have become a coach for Beachbody and I have lost half of the Freshman Fifteen so far. I have become a better person inside and out and I cannot thank my coach and this company any more for this opportunity. I can see myself thriving in this business and I cannot wait for the next chapter of my life to begin.

Now that you know my story, I hope you can share it with as many people as possible. I absolutely love what I get to do each and every day and I would love to have you join me and begin your own journey as well. I can’t wait to see where life takes you and I would love to be a part of it! So contact me if my story interested you, you want to know more about my journey, or you just need to talk. Find me on Facebook or email me at!


Thursday, December 4, 2014

Running late? Bed to ready- in 5 minutes!

Slept in? Each of these tricks is meant to be done in less than a minute – so in the time it takes Christina Aguilera to belt out “Dirrty” (4 minutes and 59 seconds to be exact), you’ll be clean, confident, and ready to crush the day.

0:00 – 0:59

>>First, plug in a flatiron (you’ll need it later) and swish with mouthwash as you spray roots with some dry shampoo. (My favorite is from Wal-Mart and runs less than $5! Not your mother's Clean Freak Refreshing Dry Shampoo
                >>Throw strands of hair into a high ponytail, and tuck it into a shower cap (hair powder needs a few minutes to absorb the oil from your scalp!

1:00 – 1:59

>>Multitask with a cream-based body wash. It gets you clean like a cleanser does and lets you skip a post-shower lotion.  Try This! Lather up key areas only: pits and privates – as the suds roll down, they’ll refresh the rest of you. Skip shaving (wear pants), then pat skin dry with a towel to preserve moisture.

2:00 – 2:59

>>Even out and brighten your face with BB Cream. Blend it fast like lotion—it’s sheer, so it won’t get splotchy. Next, using a cream-to-powder multipurpose makeup stick (pinkish bronze is universally flattering), apply five lines: two diagonal along cheekbones, two more across lids and another over lips. Blend, then apply navy colored mascara to brighten the whites of tired eyes!

3:00 – 3:59

>>Brush roots to remove dry shampoo residue, then nix frizz by flat-ironing just the front face-framing pieces of your hair -- the only part everyone notices. Leave hair down, or sweep it up into a low pony or knot.

4:00 – 4:59

>>Get dressed, swipe on deodorant, and quickly brush teeth (since you rinsed and killed bacteria earlier, you can cut corners). Walk through a spritz of perfume…. Then get to work!

Hope this helps, and have a Merry Christmas

Xoxo Lauren

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Easiest Healthy Spaghetti Recipe

Ready for the EASIEST recipe ever!?

>>>makes about 3 servings 

✔️2 cups uncooked pasta shells
✔️1 can of Prego Low-Sodium sauce
✔️1 small package of Ground Turkey
✔️a pinch of salt 

1) thaw ground turkey 
2) cook shells
3) warm sauce
4) combine ingredients!!! 

And you're done, easiest dinner ever 😊

Monday, November 10, 2014

PiYo Review: Best Program to get you flexible again!

Good evening everyone! Just wanted to start tonight with a little product review on the program I just started today :)

   PiYo is a high intensity, low impact program that gets your butt moving! It uses the most effective Pilates- and Yoga- inspired moves to set a fast pace to help you move fast while sculpting long, lean muscles. PiYo program comes with8 workouts on 3 DVDs, an extra bonus DVD if you order the challenge pack, a tape measure for before and after measurements, and a complete meal planning guide to help you get started with your healthy eating while working out with Chalene!
This is a GREAT program for beginners and people who want to burn fat and tone for very lean muscle. It has modifications for every move (as I had to do on my first day!) and is very easy to follow. I am a beginner to these sorts of moves so it was very helpful for learning how to do them.

So, I’m sure by now you’ve heard about this crazy workout program. Well, I am here to spill the beans on the craziness and what you can expect. PiYo is a brand new program that came out this past summer and is the newest on the market besides P90 with Tony Horton who did P90x. PiYo contains workouts that are 30-60 minutes long.

     This program is most suited for beginners to the fitness world, people who want to build lean muscle without bulking, extreme fitness enthusiasts, and women and men who want to lose weight.
Fitness beginners, like myself, love this program because there is no complicated choreography to learn. And, you can follow the modified moves as you build your strength and stamina. Others, like people who want to lean down without bulking love it because you’ll use your body weight as your primary source of resistance—loading multiple muscle groups at once to perform functional, everyday movements. This will help you sculpt long, lean muscles without building bulk. The extreme fitness enthusiasts are in love with PiYo because PiYo’s pace of continuous movement, nonstop transitions, and carefully selected, powerful athletic moves allow you to burn calories at a high rate. So, if you like extreme programs, you can get the same type of results from PiYo while you give your joints a break. Plus, you can restore your flexibility and core strength, which can improve performance in other sports. And lastly, women and men who want to lose weight are really craving this certain program because PiYo’s high-intensity compound exercises engage multiple muscles at once, while keeping them in constant motion so your heart rate remains in the optimal range to burn calories throughout the workout.
This program is a 60-day program that has rest days once a week on Thursdays. From experience so far, it is definitely a program that is going to take a lot of work and dedication but what isn’t easy in life that is really worth it?? J

    Chalene is awesome throughout the whole workout because she keeps you very motivated and it helps a lot when you want to quit and just shut the whole program off! The moves are pretty tough but they get way easier each day you continue to workout. I have already seen a lot of improvement just beginning this program.
My question to you is WHY are you waiting? What has you stumped on whether to start a program or not? Money, time, willingness to give up a few minutes every day for YOU? Do this for YOU! If you feel better, you can be a better person inside and out!

Who is it NOT for?

PiYo is not for bobybuilders or any crazy workout guru who loves weights. This is a weight-free program and only relies on your body weight for strength and flexibility. The program is really awesome for people that want to work on their flexibility and strength with their own bodies. It helps develop core and muscle strength along with it helping inner strength and focusing on yourself for an hour or so of your time! There is no complicated choreography to learn and you can follow the modified moves as needed.

>>>>If you are ready to jumpstart for fitness and health FOR YOU send me some information about yourself and I will be glad to help you along the way. Just send me your name, email, and when you would like to get started with your journey with PiYo or any of the Beachbody programs!